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ERL S1R2 The Gypsy Road

The Gypsy Road

8:30 PM Eastern
7:30 PM Central,
6:30 PM Mountain
5:30 PM Pacific time

Preregistration is NOT required but reading the
arena message IS. Please review the arena message
before asking the CM questions about the course.

Previous Runnings: None

Course Designed by: 4440

Hosted by 4440
Marshaled by ?????
Sponsored by AHXARL
Plane Choice by 4440--- Spit 14

***Please read the details below in order***
***to cut down on unnecessary questions. ***

Terrain - Hungary
Start Field ? A9 (you may have to change field ownership to match HQ
Vox/Text ? Both 200
Vehicle: None
Aircraft - Spit 14
Fuel Burn Rate - 1.0
Fuel Load Out ? Your Choice,   Drops allowed,  May change loadout during the race.
Pitstops: 1 mandatory at racers discretion
Takeoff ? NorthWest
Views Enabled ? F1, F3 (External) and F5 (Gods Eye)
Heats ? 1
Laps per Heat - 20
Start Type ? Gullgutz
Flying finish at BH shown on map

Course Description:

1. Take Off on NW runway

2. Make a right turn around the HQ (stay below top)

3. head to ammo factory

4. fly between the water tower and radar towers, keeping the water tower to your left and radar to your right. (gate turn)

5. make a right turn and head to A9 Town

6. at the town turn make a right around the water tower (stay below top) and fly between the 2 radar towers

7. Head to A9 and fly through the left BH on the Big pad.  This is the end of a lap and the finish line.

8. Repeat the above for 20 laps.

Pitstop Rules:

Pitting may occur only after passing through the BH  (end of a lap)
all rearm pads are open
Racers must recieve a "successful rearm" message
After pitting, you may take off any direction and head to the HQ.

If you wish to change your fuel loadout during the race, you may do so.

Logs will be reviewed to verify all racers pitstops

All attempts must be made to succesfully land and rearm. if you crash (or other mechanical problems) while attempting to land and rearm, you may reup and taxi to the nearest pad to recieve your message.


If you crash at any time, a 2 pt penalty will assessed
You may reup immediately on the NW runway and rejoin the race.
You will repeat the the lap you actually crashed on.
You may not rearm if the crash occured when not attempting to pit
You will be considered as completing a lap if crash at any point in the double BH's

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