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ERL S1R8 Leyte Gulf Flying Fishin Trip

Event will run Sunday, March 22, 2009

8:30 Eastern, 7:30 Central, 6:30 Mountain and 5:30 Pacific time

Previous Runnings: None

Hosted by 4440

Designed by: JVNotch/4440

Plane Choice: Surf35 and DoubleG

Polesetters: Surf35 /DoubleG   Automatic  -5 secs of their times

Sponsored by: HMS

Terrain: Luzon

Country: Bishop

Start Field: A48

Vox Channel: 200

Planes: F4F-4 F4U-4

Fuel Burn: 1.0

Fuel Load: Your Choice

Takeoff: Runway of Choice

Views Enabled: F1, F3 External and F5 God?s Eye

Heats: 1    you will be limited to 3 restarts

Laps/Legs: 2

Start: Tower

Finish: Taxi into Pad BH and tower out


This is a race against the Clock with time discounts awarded for each gun destroyed.

-2 secs for each gun destroyed

+30 secs for a crash

Top 5 in guns destroyed will be credited for leading a lap

Fastest pilot switching planes and relaunching from A87 will receive most laps points


When the Go command is given, Pilots may spawn in either of aircraft available on the runway of their choice. You are not physically racing against each other, but for the best overall time. This will be determined by the using the time you spawned to the time you successfully tower on each leg. At the end of the first leg, you must successfully land, switch to the other plane, launch from A87 and reverse the route back to A48. 2 secs will be deducted from your overall time for each gun destroyed. 30 seconds will be added to your time for each crash you endure. 1 minute will be added  if you land at A87 and do not get a successful landing prior to switching planes. A missed hangar will cost you 15 secs each. Bombs and rockets are not allowed. Use of these result in automatic DNF

You are not required to destroy any objects, but you must follow the path of carriers groups.

Order of Flight:

Launch A48, overfly all 6 carrier groups, fly through hangar of choice at A86, Fly through hangar of choice at A51, Land and switch planes at A87, launch A87 and reverse above route, Land at A48, taxi into Pad BH at A48 and tower out.

All guns on the carrier groups, as well as guns on the airfields or towns you encounter are valid targets.

Weapon and object settings:

Weapon lethality all: X2

Ammo: X2

Hardness: .0016

Object downtime: .01 minute (almost instant re-pop)

Bonus and Penalty recap:

-2 secs each gun destroyed

+30 secs  per crash

+60 secs for an unsuccessful landing

DNF for use of rockets or bombs   GUNS ONLY

+5 season points for each pilot in the top 5 objects destroyed

+5 season points for the fastest plane switch


If you crash, you will be allowed to reup and restart from the last the last base you launched from. You will be allowed to do this 3 times. This restarts your leg timer but earns an automatic 30 sec penalty. This will be east to enforce as the arena max death counter will be turned on. Any objects destroyed on a crashed leg will not count. You must re-up using the same A/C you crashed in.


1)      You crash on the way from A48 to A87, you may re-up from A48 and re run that leg. Any objects destroyed on that leg prior to crashing will be deleted.

2)      You complete leg 1 (A48-A87) and crash on the return leg, A87-A48 your first leg results stand and you may re-up from A87 and re run Leg 2

If you crash 3 times, you will not be allowed back out and will receive a DNF for the race.

Any time and at any point you crash, you must re-run the leg you were on.

<S> racers, Bring your Rods and Reels and we?ll see you in the Gulf. I hope you reel in the ?Big? one!


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