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ERL S1R9 Lancaster Gulch

Lancaster Gulch

Takeoff is SW at A11. Now the simplest way to do this is to have a cold start
A cold start is where everyone will have their throttle all the way forward in the tower
At the GoGoGoGoGo command, launch SW. Contestants will be responsible for being
in the tower & ready to launch.

Climb to gather drones & head to town.
Pass through radar tower gate in town keeping first radar tower on left.

A Referee plane will orbit the first check point for the altitude restriction of
500-800 ft.

Follow gulch to the vicinity of A3 where you should be able to see Windmill Alpha
At this point, the altitude restriction will be lifted & you may climb to get over the
Dam Wall

Once over the wall, you will need to acquire the gap & Windmill Beta, because this
is the recovery area for the altitude restriction to be re-established

Jinking your way through the ravine at dizzying height, fly to V4
At V4, keep the radar tower on your left  and sweep right around the opposite hill to
head W toward A10

Checkpoint 2 will have the Referee Plane orbiting to mark your climb out to do a
touch & go at A10
A touch & go is defined as follows: The wheels of the Lancaster MkIII must touch the
Runway for any length of time & then climb without stopping. Your drones
will stay at the field if done properly. This is assuming you still had your drones

Fly to the town at A11 and pass through the radar gate to set up for checkpoint 3's
entrance to the canyon floor

Checkpoint 4 will mark the beginning of the climb out area to setup for a landing at A20,
 where you will land on the SW to NE runway. Once on the ground you need
to taxi to rearm pad at the NE end where you will tower out and end the race
You must recieve a Rearm complete message before you tower out.
If you are unable to taxi to re-arm pad, you may tower at A20, replane, taxi to NE
re-arm pad and then tower, after message

This race will be scored as a timed run. By doing a cold start, it will mark in the logs when
you started & when you towered.
You may restart at A11 to reset the counter with a 5 second penalty if you crash at any
point in the course

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