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Blitzkrieg "Tactical Team Assault 2011"

           "Welcome to Heavy Metal Sunday's Blitzkrieg"            
                            "Tactical Team Assault"
                              September 4th 2011
                                      SEA #1
                                 9:00 Eastern
                                 8:00 Central
                                 7:00 Mountain
                                 6:00 Pacific
        ***Please read the details below in order***
        ***to cut down on unnecessary questions. ***
    Preregistration is NOT required but reading the
    arena message IS. Please review the arena message
    before asking the CM questions about the event.
              Designed by: Marshal & SheGotYa
              Hosted by: Marshal & SheGotYa
              Sponsored by: Heavy Metal Sunday
Format: Tactical Team Assault
Rounds: 3
Map: Arden08
Fields: 107-bish 108-knit
Vehicles: Each side has the same set of Vehicles for each round
Round 1: Jeep, LVT4, M8
Round 2: M3, T34/76, T34/85
Round 3: M3, Tiger I, Tiger II
Hangar downtimes: Permanent
Hangar Hardness: Soft
Lives:(reups) Unlimited **see below for further explanation**
KillerShooter: ON
ACK Lethality: .001

Team based event with each team attacking the other
teams home base. A team must destroy all 3 Vehicle
Hangars on the base. Each team will launch with
identical vehicles available to them. Teams will spawn
from their respective Hangars and attack the opposing
team's base. Teams are allowed to keep Vehicles behind
to defend, and they may also send Vehicles to camp
opposing forces hangars.
When you log into the arena, Tune your VOX to channel
200 and switch countries to Rook. We will be creating
two teams and instructing everyone which countries to
change to.
Reups: We are allowing unlimited reups. However after
your 3rd death, you will receive a message that you
have exceeded your maximum lives. This activates a 1
minute delay before you can reup. After the 1 minute,
you will once again have 3 consecutive reups before
reactivating the timer. This is similar to a metered
on ramp to a freeway. Its purpose is to create a
potential POWER PLAY by the opposing forces.

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