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Blitzkrieg Duel

 Blitzkrieg presents ...
The Duel

GV Event

Event will run Sunday September 20th., 2009

9:00 PM Eastern
8:00 PM Central
7:00 PM Mountain
6:00 PM Pacific

Preregistration is NOT required but reading the
arena message IS. Please review the arena message
before asking the CM questions about the event.

Hosted by: Marshal & SheGotYa
Sponsored by: Heavy Metal Sunday

***Please read the details below in order***
***to cut down on unnecessary questions. ***

Terrain - japan1
Start Field - A1
Vox/Text - Both 200
CM Eye Mode Enabled
One life per round
Starting Vehicle: Panzer

When the fields are open you will launch from vehicle hanger and
drive to the tower. Stay as close to the tower as possible and
when your in position turn off your engine. At the start of the round
the CM will call the contestants. Those called will start their engines and
head to the runway. When you reach the runway each contestant will
turn their designated way and when the CM gives the command to:
At this time the two contestants will stop their tanks, turn their turret
(TURRET ONLY) and fire down the runway to kill their opponent.
Winner drives to the designated area and waits for next turn.

Winner is the last tank standing of each Duel. Which means if both contestants
die no winner, if both contestants are alive but, both cannot shoot we will
resupply you both and send both as a draw. This will continue until we have
one winner from each round to send the finale.

*NOTE* CM Eye Mode will be enabled. Here is the link for setting it up on your system ...

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