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SEC - Sunday European Campaign

Welcome to Sunday European Campaign Pages  


You’ll find all the information you’ll need to participate in the event right here.



  alt  Description:


The Sunday European Campaign (SEC) event is run three Sundays a month designed to provide a regular event for AH players connecting from Europe. SEC are “walk-on” events so players do not have to register to attend and can show up and play at any time during the event (except where this is limited in the particular event description). T+0 in SEC’s is always at 15:00hr EST (3pm) on the day of the event and run for two hours.


Current SEC setups include ETO, MTO, PTO, Eastern Front, Finnish Wars and special “Classic Fighter Matchup” events – use the “SEC->Setups” link on this site to see the list of the setups we have in the library. We’ll be adding to the list of setups for SEC as they are designed, tested and built.


SEC setups are historically based and are set up as closely as is possible in AH to simulate the area of operations, military facilities and units, and the environmental conditions of the battle being presented.



alt    How to Participate:


Check the AH Calendar! All SEC frames will be noted so players can find out the dates of SEC frames. Each note will include a link to the frame description so players can find out what the setup is about.


SEC events are hosted in Special Events Arenas. Players wishing to participate are encouraged to show up at least 15 minutes prior to T+0. However, players can enter the arena and play at any time during the two-hour duration of the frame.


Once in the arena, a description of the current frame can be found in the Arena Message. This can be accessed by clicking on the “Arena Message” option on the clipboard. This will provide you with all the information you need to participate in the event – available fields and aircraft/vehicles, arena setup conditions, radar availability and coverage, restrictions on equipment and/or area of operation and, victory conditions for each side. Reading the frame setup information is highly recommended.


If you have any questions in the frame about the setup, goals or restrictions feel free to pm the CM hosting the event to ask. You might have to wait a short while for an answer as the CM can be quite busy at times, but you will get an answer – be patient.


alt    Event Rules:


1- The AH rules for behaviour in the Main Arenas and Special Events apply in SEC. Players will treat each other and the hosting CM(s) with respect and courtesy.


2- The options and restrictions for game play will be laid out in the Arena Message. These will be respected by all attending players. If it’s not in the Arena Message frame restrictions, it’s legal.


3- The hosting CM (the Host) is the ultimate arbitrator of disputes between players. The Host has the authority to apply disciplinary measures where necessary. This authority extends from muting for a period of time to permanent banning of a player from participating in the event.


alt    Helping Out with SEC Events:


There are several ways a player can help out with the SEC event:


Design and submit an event. To do this properly requires a huge effort and a lot of time. Event designs need to be thoroughly thought out, must be two-sided events, must be balanced events where both sides have a chance to win, must be at least three frames long and, must be based on a historical WWI or WWII era battle. All submissions will be read, however only those that meet the above requirements will be considered and responded to.


Sit in the CO’s chair. Get the support of the players on your side and lead them. Do this successfully often enough and regularly and you never know what might drop out of the skies into your lap.


Any player with an AH account in good standing who is interested in helping out with SEC events or the CM Teams is encouraged to contact the SEC HOST or CM Team Lead  during the event or by pm on the AH forums. We’re always looking for good people to help out with events. 

alt    SEC Contacts:

 SEC CM TEAM LEAD: "asw" (AH BBS handle: detch01).

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