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Operation Strangle - Frame 1


Operation Strangle

STRANGLE was conceived and conducted as an independent air operation, designed to force the withdrawal of German armies from central Italy by denying them essential supplies. Although the Allies were preparing a major ground assault on the German positions (Operation DIADEM) at the time the interdiction campaign was in progress, the Mediterranean Allied Air Force (M.A.A.F) believed, hoped, that the effects of STRNAGLE would make the ground offensive unnecessary or turn it into a mere pursuit of a retreating enemy. This hope was not fulfilled; but, as it turned out, interdiction made a major contributions to the success of DIADEM in a way not generally foreseen. (Reference Operation Strangle, Case Study on Tactical Air Interdiction.)

Join us for Operation Strangle, Sunday European Campaign for May 2013. SEC for May starts at 8:00 pm UK, 2100 CET, and 3:00 pm EST. All are welcome to participate.

Battle Elements and Schedule

Capture the Sky
Interdiction Belt
CAP the Sea


Frame 1


Allies: Destroy the two bridges north of P69 crossing the
river. Destroy all ammo bunkers located at the ammo factory
adjacent to P69.

Axis: Defend the bridges and supply facilities in the area
of P69.


A50: P-47D-11 and P-47D-25

A48: B-25C


A64: C202

A73: BF109G-6

A60: FW190A-5




Victory Conditions: The Allies must destroy all local bridging and ammo bunkers at the ammo factory to claim frame victory.

Frame 1 - Arena Setting:
1. Terrain – Italy
2. Icon Range - short
3. Wind – 0 kts
4. Time – Start time 0900
5. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 36,960 about 7 miles
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Visibility – 12  miles
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Fuel – 1.5
11. Ack - .5
12. Kill Shooter - off
13. Tower Range – 36,960 for display to match the above setting.
14. Radar – Off
Designer Notes:
Event Designer:

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