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South Pacific Action - Brawl at Kahili Airdrome

Brawl over Kahili Airdrome

South Pacific Action - This is an SEC three part series.
As World War II began in the Pacific with the surprise attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor Hawaii
on December 7th 1941, the stage was set for the most brutal air battles to be fought during the war.
A woefully unprepared United States arose to fight not only a country, but a culture of warriorism.
The Imperial Japanese forces continued their string of successful victories which lead to a conquered
area as far east as the Fiji Islands and as far south as Java. This was a massive area of conquest and a
unbelievable and daunting task to retake for the Allies.  After the historic sea battle at the Coral Sea,
this was fought to a draw. The American's embarked on their initial and historic island hoping campaign
to defeat the Japanese in their own territory.
This Sunday European Campaign combat series, “South Pacific Action”, is a compilation of some of the
most important aerial campaigns fought in the South Pacific. Please join us for this great event.
Sunday European Campaign for January starts at 8:00 pm UK, 2100 CET, and 3:00 pm EST.
This is a Unlimited event. This is a air escort and defense mission.


Frame 2

In the summer of 1943 Kahili airdrome was the focus of intense aerial combat action during the
South Pacific campaign. Concentrated American air forces patrolled, bombed and strafed this airfield
daily in attempts to cut down on the distance to the true South Pacific objective, Rabaul. Join the action
as USMC fighter pilots of VMF-214 escort B-25 bombers to attack the airfield at Kahili airdrome. The
Blacksheep will be met by the IJN 25th Air Flotilla boasting names as Saburo Sakai and Hiroyoshi
Nishizawa. The two top leading Imperial Japanese’s fighter aces of the World War II.


Objectives: Destroy all aircraft hangars on airfield A20 Kahili airdrome.

F4U1-A – Launch from airfield (A14) Vella LaVella, coordinate an RP with bombers. Then escort
the bomber formations to and from their attack on field A20. Destroy any opposition that is

B-25H and A-20G – Launch from airfield A13 and RP with USMC Corsairs at a designated point.
Then proceed to and destroy hangars at airfield A20. Restrictions: Fighters must carry 100%
fuel and drop tanks. Fighter MAY NOT carry ordnance.


Objectives: Destroy the incoming air raid against Kahili/Buin airdrome.

A6M2 (201st Kokuti) – Launch from A20, coordinate attack with the 204th.

A6M3 (204th Kokuti) – Launch from A19 and coordinate attack with 201st.

Fighters may refuel and rearm at any friendly field.

Restrictions: None


Victory Conditions:

Allies must destroy all aircraft hangars to declare frame victory.

Frame 1 - Arena Setting:
1. Terrain – Solomons
2. Icon Range - short
3. Wind – 0 kts
4. Time – Start time 1300
5. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 36,960 about 7 miles
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Visibility – 15
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Fuel – 1.5
11. Ack - .3
12. Kill Shooter - off
13. Tower Range – 36,960 for display to match the above setting.
14. Radar – Off
Designer Notes: This is a multi-action air, sea, and land campaign. Should be fun...
Event Designer: Redtail7 December 2012

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