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Daytime Operations - Prelude to Overlord

By the end of February 1944 United States 8th Air Force had two new aces up in its sleeve. The H2X radar bombing device, which permitted the bombing of large targets through clouds and long‐range escort fighters in large numbers. The P‐51s, P‐38s, and P‐47s with drop tanks were finally in use and started employing new tactics developed by the Eighth's new commander, Lieut. Gen. James H. Doolittle, who required American fighters to attack German aircraft rather than passively protect bombers. Constant combat increased the attrition of German pilots to catastrophic levels.


Just as the Eighth started gaining air superiority over Germany, a dispute arose in London as to how strategic air could best aid the coming invasion of France. Lieutenant General Carl A. Spaatz wished to attack the German synthetic oil industry, while Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's air commanders favored an attritional attack on the French and Belgian rail systems. Eisenhower as the supreme commander chose the transportation bombing, but allowed two oil attacks in May 1944. The success of those attacks, confirmed by Allied code breakers, made oil the first priority air target in the month before the invasion. Both tactical and strategic air power mangled the French railways, but strategic air power's chief contribution to the Normandy landings was the elimination of the German day fighter force. From landing to breakout, the invasion never encountered significant air opposition.


Bishops, 60% of participants

-Airstart with formations from A70 and bomb target at sector 12.10.  (the vehicle factory) 
-Land at A70

-Bombers must maintain at least 10000ft (10k) altitude until they have reached the safety area, which is formed by sector columns 5,6 and half of 7 (the grey area in the map).
-All aircraft must take at least 75% fuel load
-At least two types of escort fighters must be used

Knights, 40% of participants
Me 109G6
Fw 190A5/A8
Me 110G-2

-Takeoff fields A22 (109), A34 (110), A37 (190)
-Intercept incoming USAAF bombers and their escorts

-Axis planes cannot engage bombers in sector columns 5,6 and half of 7 (see map). Violation of this rule will not be tolerated!
-All plane types must be employed 


Terrains: rhinesum
Event start, game time: 10:00
Time multiplier: 1.0
Icons: Icons short, 3k
Fuel Multiplier: 1.0
Radar: Axis - Full radar, Allies - No radar
Radar Update Interval: 60 seconds
Killshooter: Off.
Friendly collisions: Off.
Kill messages: Off.
2 lives for every player.
Axis planes may rearm/refuel on hotpads.
Formations: On


Design by Have


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