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The Battle of Tali-Ihantala


Battle of Tali-Ihantala June-July 1944 - which decided the fate of Finland.

After loss of Viipuri town situation was dramatic. The Red Army had advanced in two weeks more than it had in the whole Winter War. War Marshall Mannerheim messaged the troops: the enemy advance must be stopped. The coming battles will decide the independence of the nation.

Stalin belived the next defensive line to fall easily. Soviets planned to force-march to Lappeenranta-Imatra - and then to Helsinki. Finland would be forced to accept unconditional surrender.

The Soviet offensive renewed at Tali, morning of 25th June 1944. The new defensive line, VKT-line, did not have any pre made defensive positions, but it was rocky area with lots of lakes and streams. Even when the troops were tired they kept counter-attacking.

The Soviet forces could not advance and the battle prolonged. The front line seesawed - forward and backward. The Soviet forces almost broke through several times. Over 100 000 soldiers were deadlocked in heavy struggle in tiny 10 x 10 kilometers area.

During next week the Finnish forces slowly withdrew to Ihantala. The Finnish reinforcements had arrived from eastern Karelia, and the Soviet forces were tired and had suffered losses. The German reinforcements, Stukas and Focke Wulf jabos, attacked Soviet supply routes and the later famous bridges of Tali were destroyed daily, often several times a day, making it hard to bring supplies and reinforcements forward.

Finnish Air Force flew daily with its whole strength, bombing Soviet positions. Finnish artillery was concentrated and for once there was no lack of ammuniation. Several soviet attacks were blunted with artillery only, with 250 heavy artillery pieces being able to concentrate their fire
into a single spot.

In total there was over 200 000 soldiers in the various phases at battle of Tali-Ihantala, with heave losses. Finns had 8500 casualties, 1100 dead. Soviet forces lost up to 20 000 men, 4500-5500 dead.

Finnish and German air force claimed 569 Soviet aircraft shot down during the Soviet offensive, half of these lost over Tali-Ihantala. Soviet army lost their TOTAL tank strength - about 600 tanks - that they had had on the beginning of the offensive.

Soviet attack was concentrated on area east of Viipuri, from south village of Tali to north towards Ihantala. This was only suitable terrain for armoured forces in Karelian Isthmus, 10 km wide and limited by lakes and the river Vuoksi on the east.

By this time Finnish army had concentrated half of it's artillery in to area, along with army's only armoured division with StuG III assault guns and German 303. assault gun brigade. The troops finally had new German anti-tank weapons that were previously kept in storage.

Fighting in area began June 25 and June 30 Finnish forces retreat from Tali. Heaviest fighting took place between July 1-July 2 when Finnish lost 800 men per day.

By July 7 focus of attacks was already changing to Vuoksi and Soviets started transferring their best troops to Estonia to fight the Germans. By July 9 Soviet troops no longer attempted break-through despite smaller fighting continued.

Country Percentages


FINLAND - 40% of participants


Bf 109 G-2
Bf 109 G-6
Brewster (FM2)
Ju88 A-4
Fw 190 A-8 (Detachment Kuhlmey's, limited)
Fw 190 F-8 (Detachment Kuhlmey's, limited)
Ju-87 (Detachment Kuhlmey's, limited)
C47 (DC-2) (C-47 cannot be used for capturing bases)
M8 Vickers Mark E
T34/85 (limited)


A44 Mensuvaara, (Detachment Kuhlmey's, limited)
A46 Nurmoila
A47 Latva
A48 Solomanni/??nislinna
V49 Suoj?rvi
A50 Hirvas
A51 Karhum?ki


Frame 1 - Repel Soviet attack and keep bases 46,47,48,50
Frame 2 - Defend Suoj?rvi (V49)
Frame 3 - Attack and Recapture Suoj?rvi (V49)

SOVIET UNION - 60% of participants


Boston III
C47 (Li-2)
T34/85 (limited)


A5, Kasimovo,
A6, Novaya Ladoga
A7, Mergino
A10, Oshta
A11, Vytegra
V17, Bolshoy Kuganavolog
A18, Petroskiy Yam


Frame 1 - Attack and move the front lines to bases 46,47,48,50
Frame 2 - Attack and capture Suoj?rvi (V49)
Frame 3 - Defend Suoj?rvi base (V49)


Terrain: FinRus
Event start, game time: 8:00
Time multiplier: 1.0
Fuel Multiplier: 1.0
Icons: Icons short, 3k
Radar: Sector bars disabled.
Base flashing set to 5 miles (26400).
Tower Range 5 miles (26400) for display to aid players.
Killshooter: Off.
Friendly collisions: Off.
Kill messages: Off.
2 lives for every player.
Both sides may rearm/refuel on hotpads.

The plane setup won't be stable. Some of the planes are not available all of the time.


At end of each frame, the situation is frozen and the next frame will start from these positions. Thus, if Finns manage to defend bases at frame #1, Soviet objectives for frame 2 include missed frame 1 objectives in addition to frame 2 objectives.

If the situation gets too unbalanced, CM may alter the starting positions of each frame to alleviate the situation.


The country holding Suoj?rvi (V49) at the end of the third frame is the winner.

Design By
Wasq, Panzzer and Sasmox

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