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The London Blitz

 Sunday Night Scramble


The London Blitz

Starting in September of 1940 through May of 1941 England was the target of almost nightly bombing raids by the German Luftwaffe. This action later became known as the London Blitz or as Hitler dubbed it Operation Sea Lion.

One of the more memorable air raids occurred on the night of December 29th 1940.  An estimated 1500 fires were set by German incendiary bombs burning an area larger then the "Great London Fire of 1666"  From this attack came the famous photograph of the St. Paul Cathedral emerging from the smoke. 

Surviving both the Great Fire of 1666 & the bombing on 12/29/1940 the cathedral had the reverse effect on the people of London that Hitler was hoping for.

 Event Overview:

This is a two-hour event. The object of this event will be for the Luftwaffe to successfully strike at least two of four targets. Valid targets are the Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield, London, Southampton, & Portsmouth. The Luftwaffe CO may choose any two targets from the four listed as primary targets (100 points each). Additional valid targets bombed will earn extra credit points if sufficient damage is inflicted (50 points each).



Victory Conditions: 

To call the mission a success two of the four targets must be 51% down. Additional points will be added for any valid target over and above the two required for a Luftwaffe success that are bombed to over 51% down. The RAF will be scored on how well they defend all four targets.


Royal Air Force

Protecting a valid target from falling below 49% (4) = 75 points.


Primary Target (2) = 100 points if bombed 49% or below.

Secondary Target (2) = 50 points if bombed 49% or below.

* Note any of the four targets can be primary targets. This is up to the Luftwaffe CO?s discretion. If three or all four targets are bombed to or below 49% this would result in two bases earning the Luftwaffe 200 points & additional valid targets earning 50 points each for a total of 300 points maximum.


This is a one-life event.

Every player must be in a mission at the start of the event. It would be a good idea for squad members that want to fly together to come early to get their spots. Anyone that takes off without joining a mission will be asked to leave the event.

Side CO?s can increase their mission as the attendance grows but strict attention will be paid to side numbers & premium plane usage.

The Luftwaffe are required to launch half of their pilots in bombers.


Royal Air Force

Spitfire MK I

Hurricane MK I

Spitfire MK V (Limit 1 for every 10 players in the RAF mission)

Hurricane MK 2 (Limit 1 for every 10 players in the RAF mission)


Luftwaffe (Mission limit at least 50% bombers)

JU 88 A-4 (formations enabled)



FW190A-5 (Limit 1 for every 10 players in the Luftwaffe mission)



Setup Notes:

Map: bob04

Start Time: 1300

BomberWarningRange: 0

CommunicationFlags: Kill Messages Disabled - Channel 1 Disabled (3)

DownTimeMult: 200

EnemyMidAirsOn: 1

ExitWileMoving: Chute ? Gunner ? Field Gunner (140)

FighterWarningRange: 0

FlightModeFlags: Formations Enabled ? Country Perks Enabled ? Auto Calibrate Bomb Sight (1408)

FogVisibilityMiles: 12

FuelBurnMult: 1.0

KillShooter: 0

PerkPointsDisabled: 1

RadarMode[Bishops]: Disable Friendly Counters ? Disable Enemy Counters (48)

RadarMode[Knights]: Disable Friendly Counters ? Disable Enemy Counters (48)

RadarMode[Rooks]: Disable Friendly Counters ? Disable Enemy Counters (48)

TowerBasedRadarRange: 0

ViewModeFlags: External Bomber (2)


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