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Sky over Odenwald

Victory Conditions
Only the following will be scored:Strat targets 200 points awarded by % destroyedGun emplacements 2 points Radar 15 points Vehicle hangers 20 points Fighter Hangers 20 pointsBomber Hangers 20 pointsSingle engine fighters 10 pointsTwin engine fighters 15 pointsTwin engine jet fighters 20 pointsLarge bombers 35 points

Arena Settings
- Icons short- Fuel 1.5 - .40 Ack - Fighter and Bomber warning range 63,300 (about 12 miles) - Tower range set to 63,300 (for display only to match the above setting) - Clouds / visibility (17 miles) - Radar off (on full for third country)- Friendly collisions off - Kill shooter off - Time: 7 AM with Multiplyer x 2-Death tool set for 4 in 90 minutes

Designer Notes
Ideally all pilots should join missions. In the future if CM’s are given a “mission only” tool players will have to join missions to participate in the frame. Points are totaled after each frame and after 3 frames the Allied or Axis winner will be announced. Top fighter and bomber pilots will be noted in the future in a Close Escort page.

CM Notes
Only the fields listed on the map will be active. Formations allowed.Targets at fields are hangers, radar, and ack only. No other ground targets on air fields will be scored. Third country GCI. Full radar will be on for 3 country and players may use as they see fit. ConstraintsAircraft may be used to attack enemy ground vehicles, but not to attack the targets of the ground vehicles.

Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier

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