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Across the Mosselle

Across the Mosselle

Across the Mosselle

Artist Credit: Dux sceenshot

One outstanding feature of the Lorraine Campaign was the co-operation between the XIX Tactical Air Command and the Third Army. Despite the poor weather and the short days in November the XIX TAC was able to give considerable support in the initial phases of the Third Army offensive, flying 2,114 sorties between the 8th and 19th. A concentrated effort was made, as in early October, against the Metz-Thionville position. In one respect the entire course of the Lorraine Campaign was affected in demonstrable fashion by the strategic air war. Few of Patton's troops ever saw more than a single German plane at a time. - excerpts from The Lorraine Campaign by Hugh M. Cole

Co-operation between the US 3rd Army and XIX TAC created a situation of mutual support which resulted in an advance to the German border ahead of projected schedules and ahead of other elements of the Allied push. German defenses and counter attacks proved unable to stop the fall of Metz and the creation of major bridgeheads across the Mosselle. Following the crossing of the Mosselle the Sarre region fell under determined attack by the 3rd Army under General Patton, putting at risk a great part of Germanys idustrial strength.


Country Percentages
Allied: 50%
Axis: 50%

Units:- P47D-40
- P51D
- B26B
- A20G
- T34 (as Sherman)
- M16
- bf109G-10
- Fw190A-8
- Fw190F-8
- Fw190D-9 (limited)
- Panzer IV
- Tiger (limited)
- Ostwind
Orders:Attack Targets:
- Frame 1: City at Metz in 7.9.6 and AAA Factory at 7.10.3
- Frame 2: Troop Training at Nancy, 7.8.6 and A51 in 7.8.8
- Frame 3: City at Metz in 7.9.6 and Fuel Factory at 8.9.9
Defend Targets:
- Frame 1: City at Metz in 7.9.6 and AAA Factory at 7.10.3
- Frame 2: Troop Training at Nancy, 7.8.6 and A51 in 7.8.8
- Frame 3: City at Metz in 7.9.6 and Fuel Factory at 8.9.9
Restrictions:- All flights should originate from a CM poted mission.
- Bombers must reach target within 50 minutes of launch.
- Aircraft are not designated to hit targets, jabo setups are assigned GV attack only.
- Do not attack enemy airfield unless they are assigned targets.
- All flights should originate from a CM poted mission.
- Do not attack enemy airfields.
- Interceptors should not venture west of the 6/7 line unless engaged. Hugging that line is permitted.


Strat Maps

Frame 1 Objectives

Strategegy Map for Frame 1

Frame 2 Objectives 

Strategegy Map for Frame 2

Frame 3 Objectives

Strategegy Map for Frame 3


Victory Conditions
Scoring by Roles:
- Bomber: Bombers will be tasked with the destruction of an enemy target, whether it be a strat item or a field.
- Bomber mission success will be scored based on a percentage of destruction times 2, combined with the survival rate of the Bombers, averaged.
under 30% destruction will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% destruction will result in a draw
51 to 70% destruction will result in a minor success
71 to 90% destruction will result in a major success
91 to 100% destruction will result in a supreme success

- Escort: Escort will be tasked with the survival and protection of the bombers.
- Escort mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers that survive times 2, combined with the percentage of enemy fighters destroyed, averaged.
under 30% bomber survival will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% bomber survival will result in a draw
51 to 70% bomber survival will result in a minor success
71 to 90% bomber survival will result in a major success
91 to 100% bomber survival will result in a supreme success

- Interceptor: Interceptors will be tasked with the destruction of the bombers.
- Interceptor mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers destroyed times 2, combined with the percentage of target left intact, averaged.
under 30% bombers destroyed will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% bombers destroyed will result in a draw
51 to 70% bombers destroyed will result in a minor success
71 to 90% bombers destroyed will result in a major success
91 to 100% bombers destroyed will result in a supreme success

- Based on number differences, we will adjust scores based on actual numbers in each role compared to the intended % splits:

- Total players should be split as follows with a set up for a 50/50 split.
- bombers 20% (or 40% of side forces)
- escorts 30% (or 60% of side forces)
- interceptors 50% (or 100% of side forces)

Arena Settings
- Icons: short
- Ack Lethality: .4
- Fuel Burn Rate: 1.5
- Fighter and Bomber Warning Range: 53,000 (about 10 miles), variations will be common
- Tower Range: 53,000 (about 10 miles), to display the warning range above
- Allied Radar: off
- Axis Radar: off
- Third Country Radar: full, for utilization of radar operators
- Clouds / Visibility: 12 miles
- Friendly Collisions: off
- Killshooter: off
- Time: 08:00 multiplier 1
- Death Max Count: 4

Designer Notes
- Players have 4 lives in 90 minutes.
- Ideally all pilots should join missions. In the future if CM’s are given a “mission only” tool players will have to join missions to participate in the frame.
- This set up intended to provide early bombing runs on one target followed by armour attacks against the other.
- Points are totaled after each frame and after 3 frames the Allied or Axis winner will be announced.
- Top fighter and bomber pilots will be noted in the future on a Close Escort awards page.

CM Notes
- The Setup CM may serve as 3rd country radar operator if no players are available or willing. It is NOT required that the CM do so.
- Only the fields listed on the map will be active.

Design By
Michael 'BlkKnit' Faughn


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