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Close Escort :Crossing the Rhine

Close Escort: A Tour of WWII
 Tour 12 "Crossing the Rhine"
 Artist credit: Dace Screenshot
 With the elimination of the "bulge" and the repulse of NORDWIND, the campaign in the west moved into its final phases. The Allies paused only briefly before resuming the offensive. Eisenhower had earlier decided that his armies should advance to the Rhine all along its length before crossing; he wanted to shorten Allied lines, provide a defensible position in the event of further German counterattacks, and free troops to build up strong reserves. If Hitler persisted in defending every inch of German territory, most of the enemy's remaining forces would be destroyed west of the Rhine. Once across the river, American and British forces would be able to advance into Germany almost at will. http://www.worldwariihistory.info/WWII/Germany.html
 Frame 1
 Based at A75
 Typhoon Mk.IIb
 Spitfire Mk.IX
 Spitfire Mk.XVI
 Based at A4
 Attack army supply depot
 (town at A28)
 Defend army supply depot
 (town at A28)
 Typhoons must operate under 12k
 until enemy is in icon range.
 Spitfires must stay in contact with
 Typhoons until enemy is spotted.
 All axis A/C must stay east of the
 10 sector line.
 Frame 2
 Based at A3
 Spitfire Mk.XIV
 Based at A29
 Attack ammunition depot at
 Cologne. (sector 9,14)
 Defend ammuntion depot at
 Cologne. (sector 9,14)
 Allies fighter-bombers must
 operate below 15k until enmey is
 in icon range. Spitfires must keep
 visual on fighter-bombers until
 contact is made with the enemy.
 There is no restriction on Spits
 All axis A/C must stay east of the
 8 sector line.
 Frame 3
 Based at A63
 Spitfire Mk.XIV
 Based at A4
 Attack Radar Facility East of
 Frankfurt. (sector 12,12,3)
 Defend Radar Facilty East of
 Frankfurt. (sector 12,12,3)
 Bombers must operate between
 15-20K altitude. Escorts must
 keep visual on bombers until
 enemy is spotted.
 All Axis A/C must stay east of the
 11 sector line.

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