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RAF on the Offensive

The RAF strikes back while the Blitz rages over England.

Frame 1: Taranto

On 10 June, 1940, Italy declares war against Britain and France,
then three months later she invades Egypt as the Battle of Britain
ends. British forces answer in early November when 8th Army
starts a counter offensive and British Swordfish attack the Italian
port of Taranto. This wasn?t the first successful use of aerial torpedoes
but it was the first time they were used successfully in such shallow
waters and the raid became the blueprint for Pearl Harbor.

Italy 50% / Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm 50%

Based on C106
Spit 1
Hurri 1
TBM (Swordfish)
Based at A85
Attack P52, sink all the ships at anchor.  If there are more then 8 TBMs, the secondary targets must be destroyed.
Protect P52. 
a)A minimum of 50% of Allies must be in TBMs.
b)A minimum of three Swordfish must carry torpedoes, the rest may carry bombs but bombs can't be used to sink ships.
c) Bombs may not be dropped on ships, ground targets only.  
Mission launch only.

This was an undertaking of the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm (FAA) from the carrier ILLUSTRIOUS striking the Port at 11:00 pm local time. In the history, the Swordfish went in unopposed without escort so this event has been modified for game play.

Note: Ships count as 750 points each, all other ground targets including the vehicle hanger count as 250 points each, otherwise use standard CE scoring. 

Taranto Settings:
- Fuel 1.0
- Time: 19:00 at launch
- Evening: 23.50
- Ack 50% of MA
- Fighter and Bomber warning range - Taranto - 52,800 feet (10 miles)
- Tower radar range set to match warning range
- Clouds / visibility (12 miles)
- Radar off (full friendly dot dar on)
- Kill shooter = 0

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Frame 2: The Blitz

After the Battle of Brittan the air war over England moved into the
Blitz which lasted from September through May of 1941 with
almost nightly raids into eastern England. Fifteen British cities
were subjected to major bombing attacks.

Liverpool, Bristol, Southampton, Portsmouth, Plymouth, London.
The roll of British ports bombed last week sounded more like a train
announcement than a report of one of the great battles of history?

Time magazine Dec. 16, 1940

Ipswich in 12-14-3, Town at A24.
Allies 50% to Axis 50%
Allies 50%
Axis 50%
Spit 1
Hurri 1
Bf 109E-4
Bf 110C-4b
Defend Ipswich (Town at A24) 
Destroy the Town at A24. 
RAF must stay west of the 14 line and north of the 13 line. 
No bombs on the 109s and 110s. 

- Fuel 1.0
- Time: 19:00 at Launch
- Evening: 23.50
- Ack 50% of MA
- Fuel 1.0
- Fighter and Bomber warning range - Taranto - 52,800 feet (10 miles)
- Tower radar range set to match warning range
- Clouds / visibility (12 miles)
- Radar off (full friendly dot dar on)
- Kill shooter = 0

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Frame 3: The RAF Strikes Back

In the early winter of 1940-41, the RAF doesn?t have enough long range
bombers to mount effective raids on Germany but the rail yards
and ports which support German attacks on British shipping are
well within striking distance.


Allies 50%
Axis 50%
Spit 1
Hurri 1
Lanc III (Sub for Blenheim MkIV)
Bf 109E-4
Bf 110C-4b
Your target is the Town at A67. (Simulates Rail Yards)
Intercept the Bombers before they can do damage to A67 
Lancasters must stay below 15,000 feet.
At least 50% of Allies must be in Lancasters. 
The LW must stay feet dry. 

Yes, the Lancaster doesn't belong here but it will be more fun since the Boston III is too fast.

- Fuel Burn 0.75
- Time: 12:00 (noon) at launch - Ack 50% of MA
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 52,800 feet (10 miles)
- Tower radar range set to match warning range
- Clouds / visibility (12 miles)
- Radar off (full friendly dot dar on)
- Kill shooter = 0 after launch

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Settings and Notes

Note: In the night frames, advise players to adjust their gamma if their front ends are to black. There is a huge difference between the displays on different computers, so this isn't cheating.

    Taranto - Italy
    The Blitz - BoB
    The RAF Strikes Back - BoB

Arena Settings Summary:
- Fuel Burn: varies, see frame
- Time: varies, see frame
- Fighter and Bomber warning range
    Taranto - 84,480 feet (16 miles)
    The Blitz - 53,000 feet (about 10 miles)
    The RAF Strikes Back - 53,000 feet (about 10 miles)
- Tower radar range set to match warning range
- Clouds / visibility (12 miles)
- Radar off (full friendly dot dar on)
- Friendly collisions off
- Kill shooter = 0

Standard Setup:

BadWordFilterCnt = 2
BomberWarningRange = varies
CommunicationFlags = 3
ComplainCnt =
ComplaninMinus =
ComplainMutedMins =
DeathMaxCount = 1
DeathTimeMin = 90
DownTimeMult = 200
ExitWhileMoving = 12
FighterWarningRange = 53000
FlightModeFlags = 1154
FogVisibilityMiles = 11 - 12 miles
FuelBurnRateMult = varies 0.75 (frame 3) to 1.0
GroundAutoLethality[Armored] = 0.5
GroundAutoLethality[Hard] = 0.5
GroundAutoLethality[Soft] = 0.5
KillShooter = 0 after launch
Morning = 6.0000
MuteTime = 1800 (30 minutes)
RadarAlt = 500
RadarMode[Bish] = 48 (Disabled counters)
RadarMode[Knit] = 48 (Disabled counters)
RadarMode[Rooks] = 48 (Disabled counters)
RadarUpdateRate = (up to host, 299 best fps at ~5 min)
TowerBasedRadarRange = varies, matches base warning.
ViewModeFlags = 2
WarningFlags[Bish] = 15
WarningFlags[Knit] = 15
WarningFlags[Rook] = 15

Designer Notes:

This is not a multi-life event, however if time allows a second mission may be launched in each country at the Host CM's discretion.  This second mission will be an "Air Superiority" contest, where no bombers or attack aircraft are involved and the missions will be routed to an area where they will battle for control of the skies.

- Top fighter and bomber pilots will be noted on the Close Escort Medals page.

CM Notes:

- Only the fields listed on the map will be active.
- Formations allowed if available.
- Full friendly dot radar should be on to aid co-ordination.
- The frame 1 terrain is Italy, Frames 2 and 3 are BoB.

Design By:

- Easyscor

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Victory Conditions
Bomber - Bombers will be tasked with the destruction of an enemy target, whether it be a strat item or a field.
Bomber mission success will be scored based on a percentage of destruction combined with the survival rate of the Bombers, averaged.
- under 20% average score will result in a mission failure
- 21 to 40% average score will result in a draw
- 41 to 60% average score will result in a minor success
- 61 to 80% average score will result in a major success
- 81 to 100% average score will result in a supreme success
Each secondary target will be scored at the rate of 1% to 4% destroyed (or each secondary target is worth 25% max). The Primary target will be scored at the rate of 1% for every 2% destroyed (or the primary target will be worth 50% max)

Escort - Escort will be tasked with the survival and protection of the bombers.
Escort mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers that survive combined with the percentage of enemy fighters destroyed, averaged.
- under 20% average score will result in a mission failure
- 21 to 40% average score will result in a draw
- 41 to 60% average score will result in a minor success
- 61 to 80% average score will result in a major success
- 81 to 100% average score will result in a supreme success

Interceptor - Interceptors will be tasked with the destruction of the bombers.
Interceptor mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers destroyed combined with the percentage of target left intact, averaged.
- under 20% average score will result in a mission failure
- 21 to 40% average score will result in a draw
- 41 to 60% average score will result in a minor success
- 61 to 80% average score will result in a major success
- 81 to 100% average score will result in a supreme success
Each secondary target will be scored at the rate of 1% to 4% destroyed (or each secondary target is worth 25% max). The Primary target will be scored at the rate of 1% for every 2% destroyed (or the primary target will be worth 50% max)


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