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Liberation of France


Frame 1: Operation Goodwood - July 1944

For nearly a month, the Allies had been bogged down in Normandy. General Bradley devised a plan called Operation Cobra to break out from the war of the hedgerows and revealed it to high command. As they proceeded however, Montgomery and Dempsey planned an alternate breakout of British and Canadian forces two days before the Americans' planned Cobra, it was Operation Goodwood.

Target Caen's A40 field
 Allies 50%
 Axis 50%
 - Lancaster III
 - Mosquito Mk VI (pathfinder)
 - Spitfire Mk XIV
 - Bf 109g2
 - Bf 109g6
 - Bf110g2
- Fw190A-5
All Field objects including strat and guns.
The Town is secondary target required if 8 or more Lancaster formations launch.
Drop the 4k bomb + 3 x 500 lb bombs on the runway to improve the climb rate. Unloading is up to the Allied CO.
A40 at Caen has bombers inbound.

Bomber groups must reach the target by T+60
 Axis must stay within 25 miles of the coast

Frame 2: Free Paris - August 23rd, 1944

The Allies finally broke away from the beaches and march relentlessly toward Paris.  The Luftwaffe must prevent the Allied attack and protect Paris.

Target A43 just beyond Paris, sector 13,6,4
 Allies 50%
 Axis 50%
 - B-17g
- P-38L (limited)
- P-51d (limited)
- P-47d-25
 - Bf 109g2
 - Bf 109g6
 - Bf110g2
- Fw190A-5
All Field objects including strat and guns.
The Town is secondary target required if 8 or more Bomber formations launch.
Pick one bomber model.
A43 at Paris has bombers inbound.

Bomber groups must reach the target by T+60
Allied fighter sweeps are ranging inland from the coast.  Interceptors must not approach within 16 miles of the coast.

Frame 3: Race for Amiens - August 30th, 1944

The Allies consolidated their hold on France marching toward Amiens and the German held bridge across the Somme.

Target Amiens' A33, sector 14,7,6

 Allies 50%
 Axis 50%
 - B-24j
- P-38L (limited)
- P-51d (limited)
- P-47d-25
 - Bf 109g2
 - Bf 109g6
 - Bf110g2
- Fw190A-5
All Field objects including strat and guns.
The Town is secondary target required if 8 or more Bomber formations launch.
Pick one bomber model.
A33 has bombers inbound.

Bomber groups must reach the target by T+60
Allied fighter sweeps are ranging inland from the coast.  Interceptors must not approach within 16 miles of the coast.

Note: In the night frames, advise players to adjust their gamma if their front ends are to black.  There is a huge difference between the displays on different computers, so this isn't cheating.
Standard CE scoring
Arena: Special Events Arena (SEA) 
All fields should be closed after launch.
Arena Settup
Terrain: bob04
Default settings plus changes
BomberWarningRange = 53000 (~10 miles)
DeathMaxCount = 1
DownTimeMult = 200
ExitWhileMoving = 12
FighterWarningRange = 42000 (~8 miles)
FlightModeFlags = 1154
FogVisibilityMiles = 12
FuelBurnRateMult = 1
GroundAutoLethality[Armored] = 0.4
GroundAutoLethality[Hard] = 0.4
GroundAutoLethality[Soft] = 0.4
KillShooter = 0 (off after launch)
Night Missions:
    Morning = 0.1
    Evening = 23.99 
RadarMode[Bish] = 49
RadarMode[Knit] = 49
RadarMode[Rooks] = 49
RadarUpdateRate = 10
TowerBasedRadarRange = 53000
ViewModeFlags = 2
WarningFlags[Bish] = 15
WarningFlags[Knit] = 15
WarningFlags[Rook] = 15
Concept By: BlkKnit
Design By: Easyscor

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