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Blue Sky

Victory Conditions
Bomber - Bombers will be tasked with the destruction of an enemy target, whether it be a strat item or a field.
Bomber mission success will be scored based on a percentage of destruction combined with the survival rate of the Bombers, averaged.
under 30% destruction will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% destruction will result in a draw
51 to 70% destruction will result in a minor success
71 to 90% destruction will result in a major success
91 to 100% destruction will result in a supreme success

Escort - Escort will be tasked with the survival and protection of the bombers.
Escort mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers that survive combined with the percentage of enemy fighters destroyed, averaged.
under 30% bomber survival will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% bomber survival will result in a draw
51 to 70% bomber survival will result in a minor success
71 to 90% bomber survival will result in a major success
91 to 100% bomber survival will result in a supreme success

Interceptor - Interceptors will be tasked with the destruction of the bombers.
Interceptor mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers destroyed combined with the percentage of target left intact, averaged.
under 30% bombers destroyed will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% bombers destroyed will result in a draw
51 to 70% bombers destroyed will result in a minor success
71 to 90% bombers destroyed will result in a major success
91 to 100% bombers destroyed will result in a supreme success

Depending on numbers you may have to limit the number of targets to 1 or 2 per side.

Arena Settings
Icons - Short
Ack Lethality - .4
Fuel Burn Rate - 1.5
Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 79,200 (about 15 miles).
Tower Range - 79,200 (about 15 miles), to display the warning range above.
Allied Radar - off
Axis Radar - off
Third Country Radar - Full, for utilization of radar operators
Clouds / Visibility – 17 miles all frames
Friendly Collisions - off
Enemy Collisions - off
Killshooter - off
Time – 12 Noon
Death Max Count - 4

Designer Notes
Designer Notes: Players have 4 lives in 90 minutes. Ideally all pilots should join missions. In the future if CM’s are given a “mission only” tool players will have to join missions to participate in the frame. Points are totaled after each frame and after 3 frames the Allied or Axis winner will be announced. Top fighter and bomber pilots will be noted in the future in a Close Escort page. Allied Escorts will have their work cut out for them since the Boston is weak vs a fighter.

CM Notes
Only the fields listed on the map will be active. British bombers can take off from any field listed. Axis aircraft can also take off from any field listed. CGI. Full radar will be on for 3 country and players may use as they see fit.

Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier

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