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GV Run, Tunisia

GV Run, Tunisia

 GV Run Tunisia

Artist Credit: BlkKnit screenshot

This set up will pit advancing armour against defending armour, both with close air support. The advancing armour will consist of tanks, air support and supply vehicles with anti-tank and fighter cover aircraft. The defenders will have the same types, but the use of M3's will only be for the benefit of having vehicle supplies available to the defending vehicles.

This set up will showcase an Allied advance against defending Axis forces in Tunisia.


Country Percentages
60% Allied
40% Axis

  Allies Axis
Units: Rides and % of total players
T34 - 20%
M16 - 10%
M3 - 10%
Spit VIII - 10%
P38G - 10%
Total - 60%
Rides and % of total players
Panzer IV - 10%
M16 and M3- 10%
bf109G-2 - 10%
bf110G-2 - 10%
Total - 40%
Orders: - Frame 1 -
Allied forces will launch GV's from A50 NE toward A26 with the goal of successfully landing these vehicles on the field or in the town at A26. Allied air support will launch from A34 to provide protection to the column on the ground.

- Frame 2 -
Allied forces will launch GV's from V51 NE to V36 in an attack against the base. They must destroy all hangars, strat items and field guns at V36. Supporting aircraft will launch from A31.
They must destroy all hangars, strat items and field guns at V36. Supporting aircraft will launch from A21.

- Frame 3 -
Allied forces will launch GV's from A15 toward A6 to conduct the capture of that base. Air support will also launch from A15.
- Frame 1 -
Axis forces will launch GV's from A30 E toward A26 with the goal of blocking and / or destroying the allied reinforcements. Air support will also launch from A30 to provide additional coverage for the ground forces.

- Frame 2 -
Axis forces will launch defending GV's from V36 Hangar to block the enemy and protect the field at V36. Supporting aircraft will launch out of A4.

- Frame 3 -
Axis forces will launch GV's from A6 to conduct a defense of that base and town. Air support will launch from A35.
Restrictions: - Do not attack enemy airfields unless it is listed as a target
- Follow assigned waypoints to the contested areas at all times. Flights should be to the contested areas from the assigned airbases, and back, only
- Aircraft may bomb or strafe valid targets
- Do not attack enemy airfields unless it is listed as a target
- Follow assigned waypoints to the contested areas at all times. Flights should be to the contested areas from the assigned airbases, and back, only
- Aircraft may bomb or strafe valid targets

Frame 1 Strategic Map


Frame 2 Strategic Map


Frame 3 Strategic Map


Victory Conditions
Frame 1:
Points are earned for each advancing GV that lands at the target base. These points are awarded to the defenders if the vehicle fails to land, and each side recieves a score as a % of the total advancing vehicles launched and the points then available, which achieve, or fail to achieve, the above goals. These points are as follows:
T34's - 1
M16's - 2
M3's - 3

Landed %'s
0 to 25% = Advance is routed, defense achieves supreme victory
26 to 50% = Advance defeated, defense pushes forward
51 to 75% = Advance held up, defense holds ground
76 to 90% = Advance pushes forward, defense defeated
91 to 100% = Advance achieves supreme victory, defense is routed

Frame 2:
Points are earned for the destruction of the base at V36, intact targets will allot points the the defenders. Scores will be given as % points.

Scoring %'s
Vehicle Hangars = 21% each (x 3 = 63% total)
Strat Items = 1.75% each (x 20 = 35% total)
Field Guns = 0.67% each (x 3 = 2% total)

Frame 3:
This is an all or nothing frame. Capture A6 or fail.

Scoring %'s
Base Capture = 100%

All Frames:
Bonus points for enemy destroyed and lost:
Tanks = 4% each
M16's = 2% each
M3's = 1% each
Single engined aircraft = 5% each
Twin engined aircraft = 8% each

Arena Settings
-Death Max Count 4
-Terrain Tunisia
- Fuel 1.5
- Icons short
- .4 Ack
- Down Time Multiplier set to maximum
- Fighter and Ground Vehicle warning range 42,000 (about 8 miles)
- Tower range set to 42,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Radar off
- Clouds / visibility 12 miles
- Friendly collisions off
- Kill shooter off
- Winds will vary
- Time: launch on game clock at 09:00, multiplier of 1.

Designer Notes
- Please launch all rides from the CM posted mission.
- The focus here is for a ground battle, however, avoiding / flanking the defenders is allowed, so the aircraft used in the spotting and anti-GV role will be crucial.

CM Notes
- Wind may be set at the host CM's discretion for, variety.
- There will likely be only 1 mission posted per side, so if the Host feels comfortable he / she may fly.

Design By
Michael 'BlkKnit' faughn

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