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Close Escort: Sicily

BlkKnit Screenshot 

The US 7th Army of 66,000 men under General Patton and the 8th Army of 115,000 British and Canadian forces under General Montgomery along with over 2500 Allied warships were cleared to launch Operation Husky by reluctant agreements made at the Casablana Conference. The ultimate goal of a cross channel landing was not an eminent operation and the benefits of a Sicily under allied control could not be denied. Final plans were laid in May and troop convoys were on the way. Near a quarter million men under Allied flags invaded Sicily with strong naval and air support. The defenders fought a delaying retreat and fell back to the more easily defended Italian penninsula. In the end, the Sicily campaign came down to a race for Messina with Italy dropping from the war and Germany falling back or losing large numbers of men to capture in the west of the island.

Allied 50%
Axis 50%
- P38G
- P47D-11
- Spit IX
- B26B
from A118 
- Hurricane IIC
- Spitfire V
- Spitfire VIII
- Spitfire IX
- Lancaster III
- Boston III
from A118 
- bf109F-4
- bf109G-2
- bf110G-2
from A11 or A4 
- C202
- C205
from A11 or A4
 - Below are 2 possible attacking forces, USAAC and RAF.  Only 1 will be used in the frame at CM's discretion.  If CE numbers approach higher levels and it is warranted, both will implemented at that time.

- Attack V12 in 10.4.5, all targets are live.
- Attack V5 in 12.3.9, all targets are live.
- There are two possible targets, only one will be attacked (unless numbers grow enough to warrant both being used).  The target chosen will be announced.
LW and RA 
- Defend V12 or V5 as announced by the CM. 
- There is an altitude limit of 24,000 feet.  This is enforced by a severe downdraft at 24,000 feet.  There are no other penaties for going above the limit. 
- Aircraft listed will not necessarily be available in any given frame.  Aircraft use will be at the CM's discretion. 
- There is an altitude limit of 24,000 feet.  This is enforced by a severe downdraft at 24,000 feet.  There are no other penaties for going above the limit.
- Aircraft listed will not necessarily be available in any given frame.  Aircraft use will be at the CM's discretion. 
- Interceptors are to remain north of the 2 / 3 sector line. 
- P38G
- P47D-11
- Spit IX
- B26B
from A11 
- Hurricane IIC
- Spitfire V
- Spitfire VIII
- Spitfire IX
- Lancaster III
- Boston III
from A4 
- bf109F-4
- bf109G-2
- bf110G-2
from A18 or A26 
- C202
- C205
from A18 or A26
- Below are 2 possible attacking forces, USAAC and RAF.  Only 1 will be used in the frame at CM's discretion.  If CE numbers approach higher levels and it is warranted, both will implemented at that time.
- Attack Fuel Factory in 9.6.5, all targets are live.
- Attack Ammo Factory in 12.5.9, all targets are live.
- There are two possible targets, only one will be attacked (unless numbers grow enough to warrant both being used).  The target chosen will be announced. 
LW and RA 
- Defend Fuel Factory in 9.6.5 or Ammo Factory in 12.5.9 as announced by the CM.
- There is an altitude limit of 24,000 feet.  This is enforced by a severe downdraft at 24,000 feet.  There are no other penaties for going above the limit.
- Aircraft listed will not necessarily be available in any given frame.  Aircraft use will be at the CM's discretion. 
 - There is an altitude limit of 24,000 feet.  This is enforced by a severe downdraft at 24,000 feet.  There are no other penaties for going above the limit.
- Aircraft listed will not necessarily be available in any given frame.  Aircraft use will be at the CM's discretion. 
- Interceptors are to remain north of the 4 / 5 sector line
- P38G
- P47D-11
-Spit IX
- B26B
from A23 
- Mosquito
- Spitfire VIII
- Spitfire IX
- Lancaster III
from A23 
- bf109G-2
- bf109G-6
- bf110G-2
- Fw190A-5
from A2 
- C205
from A2 
- Below are 2 possible attacking forces, USAAC and RAF.  Only 1 will be used in the frame at CM's discretion.  If CE numbers approach higher levels and it is warranted, both will implemented at that time.
- Attack Troop Training in 12.6.4, all targets are live.
- Attack City in 13.6.4, all targets are live.
- There are two possible targets, only one will be attacked (unless numbers grow enough to warrant both being used).  The target chosen will be announced.
LW and RA 
- Defend Troop Training in 12.6.4 or City in 13.6.4 as announced by the CM.
- There is an altitude limit of 24,000 feet.  This is enforced by a severe downdraft at 24,000 feet.  There are no other penaties for going above the limit.
- Aircraft listed will not necessarily be available in any given frame.  Aircraft use will be at the CM's discretion. 
- There is an altitude limit of 24,000 feet.  This is enforced by a severe downdraft at 24,000 feet.  There are no other penaties for going above the limit.
- Aircraft listed will not necessarily be available in any given frame.  Aircraft use will be at the CM's discretion. 
- Interceptors are to remain north of the 4 / 5 sector line


Design by Michael "BlkKnit" Faughn

Arena Settings
BadWordFilterCnt = 0
BoatWarningRange = 26,400 (5 miles)
BomberWarningRange = 95,040 (18 miles)
DeathMaxCount = 0
DownTimeMult = 200 (max)
EnemyMidAirsOn = 1 (on)
ExitInFlight = 0 (off)
FigherWarningRange = 95,040 (18 miles)
FlightModeFlags = 1154 (use: Stall Limit Disabled, Formations Enabled and Auto Calibrate Bombsite)
FriendlyMidAirsOn = 0 (off)
FuelBurnRateMult = 1.0 (50% of MA standard)
KillMessagesDisabled = 1 (on)
KillShooter = 0 (off, but have it on during launch)
MuteTime = 300 (5 minutes)
PerkPointsDisabled = 1 (on)
ProtectObjects = 1 (on)
RadarAlt = 500 (feet)
RadarMode(Allied Country) = 49 (full friendly dotdar and all counters off)
RadarMode(Axis Country) = 49 (full friendly dotdar and all counters off)
RadarMode(CM Country) = 0 (off)
RadarUpdateRate = 30 (seconds)
SectorCounterRange = 96,000 (to slightly overreach the actual warning ranges)
StratDisabled = 1 (on)
TaskGroupCommandCnt = 0 at start / switch to 1 once the TG warning is flashing
TaskGroupRespawnTime = 360
TowerBasedRadarRange = 96,000 (to slightly overreach the actual warning ranges)
VehicleWarningRange = 26,400 (5 miles)
ViewModeFlags = 2 (External Bomber)
WarningFlags = 15 (all) 
Wind Layer Settings
Set WindSpeed[12] (24,000 to 26,000 feet) to the following:
Heading = any (it dont matter)
Speed = 127
Rise = -127
Set Up and CM Notes
Remember that friendly dot dar should be enabled, all other radar is off.
While all missions should originate from a mission, late arrivals should not require a mission to be posted, the Host CM may, at his discretion, allow late arrivals and disco victims to launch outside of the mission.

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