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Operation Blissful


Victory Conditions
Bomber - Bombers will be tasked with the destruction of an enemy target, whether it be a strat item or a field.
Bomber mission success will be scored based on a percentage of destruction.
under 30% destruction will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% destruction will result in a draw
51 to 70% destruction will result in a minor success
71 to 90% destruction will result in a major success
91 to 100% destruction will result in a supreme success

Escort - Escort will be tasked with the survival and protection of the bombers.
Escort mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers that survive.
under 30% bomber survival will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% bomber survival will result in a draw
51 to 70% bomber survival will result in a minor success
71 to 90% bomber survival will result in a major success
91 to 100% bomber survival will result in a supreme success

Interceptor - Interceptors will be tasked with the destruction of the bombers.
Interceptor mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers destroyed.
under 30% bombers destroyed will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% bombers destroyed will result in a draw
51 to 70% bombers destroyed will result in a minor success
71 to 90% bombers destroyed will result in a major success
91 to 100% bombers destroyed will result in a supreme success

Percentages will be applied to each item as a percentage of 100% based on total ord required for destruction.

Aircraft not landed at frames end will be counted as lost.

Arena Settings
- Death Max Count 4
- Terrain Slot2
- Fuelburn 1.0
- Icons short
- Ack .4
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 79,200 (15 miles)
- Tower range set to 79,200 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Radar off for Allied and Axis, on for third country ground control interceptor
- Clouds / visibility miles (F1 – 5 miles) (F2 – 17 miles) (F3 – 10 miles)
- Friendly collisions off
- Enemy collisions on
- Kill shooter off
- Winds none
- Time: Game clock at 08:00, multiplier of 2.

Designer Notes
Designer Notes: Players have 4 lives in 90 minutes. Ideally all pilots should join missions. In the future if CM’s are given a “mission only” tool players will have to join missions to participate in the frame. Points are totaled after each frame and after 3 frames the Allied or Axis winner will be announced. Top fighter and bomber pilots will be noted in the future in a Close Escort page.

CM Notes
Only the fields listed on the map will be active. Enable only F4U’s on CV8. CGI. Full radar will be on for 3 country and players may use as they see fit.

Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier

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