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Close Escort

Close Escort

A regularly scheduled Aces High Event

Close Escort is a scheduled Sunday event for Aces High that combines elements of Friday Squad Ops and Snapshots.  It runs from 3:00 to 4:30 pm EST.
Each frame will feature a side on the offensive, complete with bombers or jabo aircraft with dedicated escorts facing the interceptors and destroyers of the defending side.
Frames will be scored using a percentage based system with varying categories affecting the outcome.

How is Close Escort like FSO?
- There are 3 frames each month.  3 weeks on, 1 week off (typically).
- Both "sides" have specific duties to perform in each frame, targets to destroy / protect and other goals to achieve.
- Squads should register to participate and to recieve email updates and news on the event.
- An overall commander for each side can implement a plan of battle to achieve the frames established goals.
- One life per player.

How is Close Escort like Snapshots?
- Walk ons are welcome to participate.
- Both "sides" have specific duties to perform in each frame, targets to destroy / protect and other goals to achieve.
- Plans can be made on the fly while awaiting launch (though pre arranged plans are better).
- Any player can volunteer to be a "side" commander or flight leader.
- One life per player.

How is Close Escort unlike other events?
- Every flight in Close Escort should originate from a posted mission.
- CM's may post missions for players to join.
- Both walk ons and squads are welcome and may register on the Close Escort section of the Special Events server.
- Any player may register for a leadership role.
- There are specific duties for each registered squad and other duties for walk ons, all working toward a single goal.

The underlying point to the design of Close Escort is the same as that of Snapshots and Squad Operations: guaranteed action. The quickest way to kill an event is for players not to see any action. It is our hope that Close Escort will become a permanent fixture for the Sunday European and U.S. players that they can come back to time and time again.  As always, player input and suggestions are welcome.

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