Race Tracks
Season 36 Race 6 Slap Pappy 600
Aces High Extreme Air Racing League
Season 36, Race 6 – Slap Pappy 600
Event will run Tuesday 16, December, 2014
10:00 Eastern 7:00 Pacific
Walk On event, but it is suggested you practice.
Race Info:
Previous Running: S29 Race 12
Location: SEA #1
Designed by: spammer
Hosted by: spammer
Terrain: "Race10" (the racing terrain)
Communications: VOX 200 and TEXT 200
Country: Bishop
Start Field: A27
Aircraft: FM-2
Plane Choice: Crow Race 4 winner
Fuel Burn: 1.0
Fuel Load: Pilot Choice. 100% is guaranteed to be enough.
Takeoff: Northeast
Laps: 6
Heats: 3 (best of all 3 heats wins the race)
Views Enabled – F1 (Normal), F3 (external), F5 (CM Eye)
Finish: Flying Finish at the Double Bomber Hanger at A27.
1. Take off Northeast.
2. Fly to the shore batteries.
3. Fly through the Shore battery gate.
   First SB to the right, second SB to your
   Left. There is, no height restrictions
   After flying through the gate. You must
   Fly around the SB’s.
4. Turn left and fly through the left side Dock Bomber
5. Exit with a 60 degree right turn and fly
  Through, the small pad fighter hanger At A27.
6. Slight turn left, fly around the Radar Tower.
7. Fly through the large pad Bomber Hanger.
8. Fly through the small pad Bomber Hanger.
9. Reverse 180 degrees and fly below, and to the
   Right of the Radar Tower.
10. Fly through the Double Bomber Hangers.
11. This will complete the Lap.
5 more times and it’s a done deal! Â